Intercultural Competence
1-What is “Intercultural
Competence” (I.C.)?
According to
Deardoff, it could be understood as the capacity to communicate (both to utter
and to understand) and to adapt oneself to an intercultural context. Moreover,
this should be done in a way in which not only is it possible to get one’s point across, but also to do so in
the most adequate fashion. This idea could be summed up by the English idiom “When in Rome, do as the Romans”.
2- Is I.C. important for communication?
Yes, it is. On the one hand, it is important in a very
practical way. In our experiences as EFL speakers, there will be and have been
many instances in which we have had to speak with people coming from different
cultures. Therefore, we have had to adapt the way in which we communicate. Not
only regarding actual utterances which need to be adapted as well, but also
regarding body languages and ways of expression which are much more linked to
culture. On the other hand, we also spoke about how interesting this
intercultural competence was and what its study could offer concerning the
linguistics and the degree to which culture affects language.
3- How does
I.C. relate to identity?
It goes without saying that one’s original culture shapes his or her personality. Hence,
we have thought that I.C. and the opportunity to interact with other cultures
allows people to negotiate and question the roles that might have been assumed.
4-How does I.C.
relate to the use of a language as a lingua franca?
Firstly, we
considered that I.C. was of the uttermost importance in the EFL classroom, for
English is the likeliest language to be used in an intercultural context.
Therefore, this competence has to be fostered and encouraged so that students
can thrive in these situations.
5-How would you include
I.C. in your teaching of English as a global language?
Discussing this topic, we came to the conclusion that it
would be important for students to understand and gain insight into other
cultures, while at the same time reaffirming themselves as product of their
own. Thus, we though it would be interesting to study different cultures and
establish links with the one they belong to, and to study similarities and
differences and try to account for them. Nonetheless, we also talked about how
the best way to improve this competence would be, of course, to travel. This
not being affordable for everyone, other options such as telecollaboration where
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